Camp operators who have been quoted an amount for the insurance premium for their basketball camp can use the below online payment option below to pay the fee prior to the camp ending. If you have yet to receive a quote for the costs from Basketball Manitoba, please complete our camp quote page first.
Payment Instructions:
Payment Instructions:
- Select the per player quote amount that was provided to you by Basketball Manitoba
- Enter the Camp Name
- Enter the Camp Director's Name
- Click 'Pay Now'
- Adjust the 'Quantity' are to match the number of campers you are paying for
- Click 'Update' to see the new total owing
- Login with PayPal account or click the 'Don't have a PayPal Account?' to pay with a major credit card and follow remaining steps.
- Email your camp participant list (with at minimum the player's full name and date of birth) to complete the process to ensure all participants are fully covered under our plan.