The Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association (WMBA) has announced that it was recently awarded a grant of $10,000 from the Canada Basketball Foundation through its Unified Assist program to support a basketball program intended for female basketball players in the central area of the City within Winnipeg School Division boundaries.

In partnership with the Winnipeg School Division, the WMBA plans to organize three female teams to enter our fall league.  By virtue of the grant, there will be no charge for the youth athletes to play, and the WMBA will organize games in the immediate area of the School Division to minimize travel.  This area is culturally diverse, and the WMBA will engage qualified coaches who have common cultural interests.  It would be the intention to increase female youth involvement in the sport, especially for those who have limited means to pursue their interest in basketball.  Based on the success of the program, we hope to broaden future female youth participation in the area and eventually throughout the city.

For more information concerning the Foundation's program, please refer to its recent announcement at

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