The following details the steps required to set up and manage your own
Team Website with Basketball Manitoba.  All Team Websites can have
as many as five pages within them.  


In order to proceed with the following steps, you must first request your FREE Team Website
Your site will be activated within 48 hours of requesting it. 
From there, follow these simple steps to get your site up and
running!  Login to the Basketball Manitoba web site
( and select the Team Websites link
from the Services menu.


Adjusting Your Site Settings (top)

  1. At the top of the page, you will see the 'Team Website Control Panel' and four options.  

  2. Select
    the Site Settings' link and set your 'Team Name', the 'Category', a
    short description of your team or program, the Page Header and Page
    Footer (these will appear on all pages in your site). 

  3. In the 'Page Visibility' section at the bottom, have your page reflect
    the following... Ordering - put a number in here from 1-5 that you want
    the page to appear in your site; Publish set to Yes; Private set to No;
    Approve set to Yes.

  4. Scroll back to the top and click save

How To Create Pages (top)

From the Team Website Control Panel, select the type of page you would
like to create.   The options you have are... 

  • Standard - a free form page that you can use to add news, team information, tournament details and more;

  • Contact - a general contact page for people to contact the team rep by.  You should have one of these pages within your site.

  • Gallery - a page consisting of as many as 10 images you upload into the site.  Please note that your images MUST fall under our Terms of Use policy or they will be removed.  Each photo must also be less than 500k (1/2 MB) in size in order to be accepted.

Creating a 'Standard' Page (top)

  1. In the Team Website Control Panel, select the 'Standard' drop down menu, then click the 'Create New Page' link above it.

  2. In
    the 'Edit Page Info' box, set the 'Page Title' (or the title that will
    appear at the top of the page when viewed) and the 'Menu Title' (or the
    name of the link that will be clicked on the to view the page - make
    this name short and to the point such as 'News' or 'Roster', etc).

  3. From there, enter your content into the 'Edit
    Page Details' section.  Use the formatting buttons to make the
    page appear as you'd like.  It is suggested you copy and paste
    your information into this section from a word processor (MS Word,
    WordPerfect, etc) to ensure you have no spelling errors.

  4. To
    create a link to another page on the web, highlight the text in your
    article that you'd like to be linked and click the 'Insert / Edit Link'
    button at the top right of the toolbar.  More on creating web

  5. The other toolbar icons that you will commonly use
    are... Bold, Italic, Underline, Bullets, Numbering, Indenting, Cut,
    Copy, Paste, Centre, Tables, Font Size among others.  Feel free to
    experiment with what they can do to enhance the look of your site.

  6. In
    the 'Page Visibility' section at the bottom, have your page reflect the
    following... Ordering - put a number in here from 1-5 that you want the
    page to appear in your site; Publish set to Yes; Private set to No;
    Approve set to Yes.

  7. Scroll to the top and click Save to
    finalize the page.  Clicking 'Save a Copy' is similar to 'Save As'
    and will create another page you edit and not save over the original
    one.  You must have a different Page Title set in order for this
    to happen.  Click 'Cancel' to discard your work and return to the
    main page. 

  8. Congratulations!  You have just created a page for your Team Website!

Creating a 'Contact' Page (top)

  1. In
    the Team Website Control Panel, select the 'Contact' drop down menu,
    then click the 'Create New Page' link above it.  All pages should
    have a 'Contact' page.

  2. In the 'Edit Page Info' box, set the 'Page Title' (or the title
    that will appear at the top of the page when viewed such as 'Team Contact') and the 'Menu
    Title' (or the name of the link that will be clicked on the to view the
    page - make this name short and to the point such as 'Contact').

  3. From there, enter your contact information into the 'Edit Page Details'
    section.  Remember that this information will become public on the site. 

  4. In the 'Page Visibility' section at the bottom, have your page
    reflect the following... Ordering - put a number in here from 1-5 that
    you want the page to appear in your site; Publish set to Yes; Private
    set to No; Approve set to Yes.

  5. Scroll to the top and click Save to finalize the page.  Clicking
    'Save a Copy' is similar to 'Save As' and will create another page you
    edit and not save over the original one.  You must have a different
    Page Title set in order for this to happen.  Click 'Cancel' to discard your work and return to the main page.  

  6. Congratulations!  You have just created a Contact page for your Team Website!

Creating a 'Gallery' Page

  1. In the Team Website Control Panel, select the 'Gallery'
    drop down menu, then click the 'Create New Page' link above it.

  2. In the 'Edit Page Info' box, set the 'Page Title' (or the title
    that will appear at the top of the page when viewed such as 'Team Photos') and the 'Menu
    Title' (or the name of the link that will be clicked on the to view the
    page - make this name short and to the point such as 'Photos').

  3. In
    the 'Edit Page Details' box, enter a short description about the
    pictures you are about to upload.  Examples of what you could use
    could be a collection of pictures from a recent tournament or your team

  4. Scroll down the page and choose the popup style
    (experiment with what you prefer) and enter a text watermark that will
    appear on each picture you upload (such as your team name). 

  5. You can now begin to upload your pictures by
    clicking on the 'Browse' button in  the 'Image 1' box and select
    the image you wish to include.  Remember the image file must be a
    JPEG (.jpg extension) and no larger than 500k.  It is suggested
    you use your photo editor prior to uploading the pictures to get them
    looking exactly as you'd like (i.e. cropped, centered, etc).  Add
    some text to the 'Caption field to describe the image. 

  6. Repeat step 5 for as many as 10 different images to upload to the website.  

  7. In the 'Page Visibility' section at the bottom, have your page
    reflect the following... Ordering - put a number in here from 1-5 that
    you want the page to appear in your site; Publish set to Yes; Private
    set to No; Approve set to Yes.

  8. Scroll to the top and click Save to finalize the page.  Clicking
    'Save a Copy' is similar to 'Save As' and will create another page you
    edit and not save over the original one.  You must have a different
    Page Title set in order for this to happen.  Click 'Cancel' to discard your work and return to the main page.  

  9. Congratulations!  You have just created a Gallery page for your Team Website!

Adding Images to Your Site (top)

  1. To add images such to your pages (outside of the 'Gallery' option shown above), create a new page or edit an existing page and place your curser on the page where you would like the image to appear.

  2. Click on the 'Insert / Edit Image' button found at the bottom of the toolbar menu.  

  3. Double-click on the 'Team Websites' folder found on the left side of the new window that just popped up.

  4. Click on the 'Upload' button found on the right side of the window.  

  5. Click the 'Browse' button in the new window that appeared near the top of the screen.

  6. Find the image on your hard drive that you wish to add to your page and click 'open'.

  7. Click 'Upload' to upload the image to our server.  You can also resize the image down to fit your needs by adjusting the pixel size and checking the 'resize image' box.

  8. Click the 'Insert' button at the bottom of the page to complete the process.  Your new image will now appear on the page your are editing.  Click 'Save' at the top of thepage to complete the process.

Creating Web Links (top)

  1. To create a link to another page on the web, highlight the text in your
    article that you'd like to be linked and click the 'Insert / Edit Link'
    button (looks like a chain link) at the top right of the toolbar.

  2. In
    the pop-up menu, type in the full link in the URL box.  Be sure
    you include the 'http://' in front of the link to ensure it will work

  3. If
    the link is leading to another site away from,
    set the Target drop-down to 'Blank'.  If it an internal link to
    another part of our site, leave it as is.

  4. Click the
    'Insert' button at the bottom of the window to save the link and return
    to your work.  The piece of text you highlighted should now be
    blue and underlined (hyperlinked). 

  5. Congratulations!  You have just created a link on your Team Website!


 Managing Your Pages (top)

  1. Once
    you have completed creating your pages, you can easily mange them by
    clicking 'Manage Pages' from the Team Website Control Panel.

  2. This
    page will summarize all your pages with the type, menu title, page
    title, order, quick view, delete option, publish status, private status
    and approve status. 

  3. In this view you can easily access your pages
    to edit or rename them, change the order (click the save icon at the
    top to save the reordering), quickly view or delete a page, or change a
    page's publish , private or approve status (click the green check mark
    or red 'X' to change these).

Viewing Your Pages (top)

  1. On
    the Team Websites Control Panel, click on the 'View Pages' link to see
    what your site actually looks like.  This is an opportunity to
    check that all links are working and that they appear in the proper

  2. The grey links appearing at the top of each page will be the navigation links to all your pages.

  3. If you need to make a quick fix to a page or menu, click the 'Edit This Page' link in the Control Panel.   

 Other Website Tips (top)

  1. Do not post personal information - especially with minors - without
    their or their parent's consent.  There is no need to post a team list
    with everyone's address, phone and email addresses.  Just create one
    Contact page for the team to have.  Circulate your team list by email
    or fax directly to the people involved.

  2. If
    you are posting information that is not quite finished or ready to make
    public, change the page's 'publish' status to show the red 'X' while in
    the 'Manage Pages' view.  Return to this page and change the
    status to 'published' when ready.

  3. Do not post any content which may violate Basketball Manitoba's Terms of Use policy or it will be removed.  If you are unsure, EMAIL us a draft for a quick review.  

  4. You can create as many as FIVE pages per team.  If you require additional  space, have another member of your team request another page and we will set it up.  You may need to create some internal links to bridge the two sites to appear seamless. 

  5. For a more uniformed look, stick with 1 or 2 different font colors and sizes.

  6. Copy and paste your text your information from a word processor (MS Word, WordPerfect, etc) to ensure you have no
    spelling errors.

  7. Always
    review your work by clicking 'View Pages'.  Look at the page for
    its overall look and layout (fonts, colors, etc) and check that all the
    links you created are working.  Edit the page again if you find
    any errors or mistakes.   

Promoting Your New Website (top)

  1. When
    you requested your Team Website, you were given a free website address
    within the Basketball Manitoba system (i.e.

  2. Test your page link out and bookmark it.  If it is not connecting to your page properly, EMAIL us and we will fix it.

  3. Tell
    your team players and parents about the new page and what they will
    expect to find on it (team news, events, rosters, contact info,
    stories, photos, etc).  Ask them all to bookmark the site too.

  4. Tell other teams about your new site when communicating with them in setting up games and tournaments. 

  5. Include the link in any of your written or printed correspondence.

  6. Submit the link to your favorite search engine.  Remember, there is no 'www' in the address.

If you still require additional help, feel free to EMAIL us!

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