Motivators in motion, a new initiative that recognizes Manitobans who
promote regular physical activity within their community, was recently
announced by Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross and Culture,
Heritage and Tourism Eric Robinson as part of the Manitoba in motion
one year anniversary.

MB In Motion

Motivators in motion are people in your community who believe in and promote the in motion message of regular physical activity for health and enjoyment.  They are role models who build physical activity into their everyday lives.  They inspire others to be active too!

Motivators can be children, youth, adults, seniors, families or groups.  A motivator may be one person, a classroom, an entire school or another type of organization.

 Motivators in motion will be:

  • featured on the in motion website and in other publications

  • invited to in motion events as participants

  • recognized with in motion gift items

More information along with an application form can be found  be found at .

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