A national trend is underway to move all levels of basketball throughout Canada to play under the FIBA (international) rule system.  Currently, a majority of basketball in Manitoba is played under the NCAA (US College) rule system.

Currently, the following levels of basketball in Manitoba are played under the following rules...

Level  Rule System 
High School  NCAA 
Junior High / Middle School  NCAA 
WMBA (community club & district)  NCAA 
CIS University Men  NCAA**
CIS University Women  FIBA 
Senior Men  NCAA** 
Senior Women  FIBA 
Manitoba Provincial Teams  FIBA*** 

** Expected to move to FIBA for 2007-08 season

*** FIBA played at Nationals; NCAA, FIBA or NFR played in preliminary games

Note: Each of the above levels also modifies their rule system further to meet their needs.

The goal of the national push is to move ALL levels of basketball under one system.  An intent to move to FIBA has already been all but confirmed in all parts of Canada including Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec and others.  Saskatchewan has been playing under the FIBA system since 1972.

The major rule differences between the NCAA and FIBA systems include FIBA introducing a 24 second shot clock, an 8 second backcourt, time outs called through the score table and a wider key among others.  A good source of some of the major differences can be found on the USA Basketball website.

Other resources on the issue can be found at...

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