The University of Manitoba and the Bison Women’s Basketball Program are extremely proud to announce Fran Pollard and the Pollard Family Foundation has generously gifted $35,000 to the Bison Women’s Basketball Scholarship Endowment, a sum to be matched by the University of Manitoba through the Province of Manitoba – Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI) program.

Fran Pollard cheque presentation

Pollard is a University of Manitoba Alumnus from the Faculty of
Management B.Comm (1955). She played for the Bisonettes in 1954
and participated in many sports on campus.

$70,000 endowment that has been created for women’s basketball will
in turn generate a $3,000 scholarship yearly in perpetuity. Fran
Pollard commented, "I especially enjoyed my years at the University
of Manitoba so much. To be able to extend support and assistance
in creating an opportunity for a young woman to have the same chance
to challenge herself in the classroom and on the court is something
I feel very strong about."

This is the single largest major donation to the Bison women’s basketball
program in its history and will be the foundation on which will
build the endowment for the future.

women’s basketball head coach Pam
stated, "It is an exciting time for the Bison women’s
basketball program. The gift we have received from Fran Pollard
and the Pollard Family Foundation is the boost we need to continue
to grow our scholarship base for future student-athletes. I am deeply
grateful for their generous support. Fran’s generosity will make
a huge difference for a student-athlete to focus on reaching their
athletic and academic goals. The impact is immeasurable."

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