KidSport Winnipeg is a major beneficiary of the financial legacy of a humble postal worker who was a life long supporter of children’s needs.  The estate of Maurice (Moe) Kowalson is providing over $630,000 to a number of children’s agencies in the city including over $100,000 for KidSport. “This amount is the largest contribution from an individual that KidSport has ever received,” said Bill Morrissey, KidSport Winnipeg representative. “We are extremely grateful to accept this amount in Mr. Kowalson’s memory as it will help so many more less fortunate kids
participate in sport.”

Maurice (Moe) Kowalson passed away at the age of 90 on December 23, 2006. After serving overseas during the war with the Canadian Postal Corps, Kowalson went on to become a superintendent of postal carriers. A long serving member of the Optimist Club of Assiniboia, he was the club’s professional photographer and looked after the club’s annual Christmas Tree lot. Predeceased by his wife, he never had children of his own but was always concerned with the well being of children in the community.

KidSport is a children’s charity administered by Sport Manitoba that helps to remove barriers and assist children of financially challenged families participate in sport so all kids can play. KidSport raises funds through corporate donations, foundation grants, planned giving and special activities and events. Funds that are raised help offset the cost of participant registration fees for community based sport programs. Kowalson’s donation will enable approximately 750 children to enjoy a season of sport.

In addition to KidSport, the Children’s Hospital, St. Amant Centre and Camp Manitou are the other organizations that will benefit from Kowalson’s legacy. The Optimist Club of Assiniboia will also provide an annual bursary to children in Moe’s name from interest earned on remaining funds from the estate.


For more information, contact:

Kim Browning

Sport Manitoba Marketing


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