Basketball Manitoba is pleased to share news of an initiative currently underway in Winnipeg's inner city to get basketballs in the hands of children who could greatly benefit from such sporting equipment. The 'Basketballs for Inner City Kids Project' was started last year by Dennis Bayomi, a community club basketball coach and employee in Community Health Sciences at the UM medical school. Noting a lack of opportunities for kids in the inner city, with donations from friends and co-workers, he helped distribute over 160 basketballs to children and clubs in inner city neighborhoods.

Listen to Basketball Manitoba Executive Director speak about the program on CJOB Radio with Geoff Currier n on July 11, 2007 


The project has continued to grow in 2007 with 130 basketballs already distributed to children in grade 6 in 5 different inner city elementary schools including Pinkham, Mulvey, King Edward, Machray and Wellington Schools.

In the next couple of weeks, several dozen balls will also go to kids in summer programs at Dufferin and Norquay Schools with more balls planned for programs at Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre and Rossbrook House later in the summer.

The target heading into 2008 will be to distribute 500 basketballs on an annual basis.

The program is in need of more volunteers and financial resources.  Those interested or able to help can contact Dennis at 888-6336 or

Project organizer Dennis Bayomi commented, "During my visits to the schools, it's become all the more obvious they really need our help.  From the principals' reports, the kids were ecstatic to receive a basketball at the end of their time at those schools!  I'd especially like to see us be able to fix up and expand their outdoor basketball play areas for next year!"

Basketball Manitoba is a registered not-for-profit organization and is the Provincial Sport Governing Body for basketball in the province of Manitoba. Managed by a Board of 10 Directors elected by its members, the Board is tasked with ensuring that all Manitobans have access to the programs run by the association and that the game of basketball is enjoyed by as many people possible.


For further information, please contact:

Dennis Bayomi

Basketballs for Inner City Kids Project Coordinator

(P) 204-888-6336


Adam Wedlake - EMAIL

Basketball Manitoba – Executive Director

(P) 204-925-5775

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