Basketball teams looking to raise some needed funds for their programs can look to the Fort Whyte Centre for a new fundraising option!  In an effort to expand our popular “Adventure Travel Raffle”, FortWhyte Alive is once again inviting other non-profit groups to sell Adventure Travel Raffle tickets to raise funds for their special projects and needs, while at the same time helping to support FortWhyte Alive’s environmental education programs.  This is a RISK-FREE, COST-FREE fundraiser where your group will receive
50% of your total sales revenue!  All unsold tickets are simply
returned to FortWhyte Alive.  In 2006 participating groups earned over
$12,500 for their special projects through profit-sharing with
FortWhyte Alive!

For 2007 raffle, we have increased our prize package value by $4,000 to make tickets even easier to sell.  As an added bonus to ticket buyers’, each ticket is imprinted with a Free Admission coupon to FortWhyte Alive, a $6 value on a $5 ticket. We also provide you with raffle fliers and posters imprinted with your organization’s name to support your sales efforts. 

Open the below link for information detailing the raffle prizes and the profit-sharing program. Tickets will be available September 15, 2007 through to our final draw date on Friday, December 21, 2007. 

For more information, contact Bob Baker at 989-8352 or via email at 


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