With club and community club basketball well under way and the school season just around the corner, coaches begin to plan and scheme about new tricks they may have up their sleeve. With rule changes coming and the game changing each year, most coaches will be actively either reworking or tweaking their systems to best use the talents of this year's players. In the spirit of the salt and pepper shaker discussions that often go on at this time of year,  I thought I might throw a few ideas out there for the coaches to chew on. Feel free to comment on any of the following below. Share your thoughts, create a discussion.

  • Super Seminar Clinic Notes

I had the pleasure of speaking at Coaching Manitoba's Super Seminar this past weekend (Oct 20, 2007). I was charged with discussing two topics: Using and defending ball screens and Principles of Zone offense. Here my clinic notes below:

Using and Defending Ball Screens (PDF)

Principles_of_Zone_Offense (PDF)


  • Some decent all-purpose coaching websites:

Each of these has some video clinics, plays, offensive/defensive breakdowns and drills that can be very useful.


Coaches Clipboard 

 5 Star Hoops

  •  Plays and discussion boards

This has most of the other stuff, but also includes discussion boards to interact with other coaches.


 Winning Hoops


    Video Clinic

Very cool videos of Phil Jackson and Tex Winter teaching  the triangle offence .


  • Online Magazines and Resources

 Basketball New South Wales from Australia puts out a monthly mag with great coaching tips and discussions. It also has a great name :"That's a Foul"

Basketball  with an international flare. FIBA Assist magazine is also available online. This is very good magazine that sometimes uses too much info from US high school coaches but also mixes in some very successful international coaches. the only flaw in the mag is that the diagrams are sometimes confusing and hard to follow. TIP: Print out the article you want, it much easier to follow. Or get subscription.


  • Physical Training Stuff

 This is more for fun, but play around on Nike's quick is deadly page. It features Steve Nash, among others and if search around a little has a complete training program for improving you quickness. A very well made site.


This is just scratching the surface. There is so much more out there. 


What is your favorite online coaching resource? Think that my sites suck? Lets here about it, or start a discussion on some X's and O's. 




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