Clinic" featuring Canada Basketball’s Mike MacKay, Manager of Coach
Education & Development on December 8 & 9, 2007 at Shaftesbury High School in west Winnipeg. For more info...

Date & Time
December 8th & 9th, 2007
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Bison Women’s Basketball Program is committed to supporting the development of players, coaches and basketball programs throughout the Province of Manitoba. So it is with great excitement they announce that Mike MacKay of Canada Basketball will be “coaching” this year’s Step To Success Coaching Clinic.
Coach Mike is currently the Manager of Coaching Education and Development with Basketball Canada. He is one of the most experienced and sought after basketball clinicians across the country. Coach Mike will bring with him an innovative approach to basketball and what is new in the development of basketball in Canada
Coach Mike will be focusing on a progression from individual skills to team concepts, covering both offensive and defensive play. As well, he will explain how to prepare for a successful season and program.
The Clinic
Each day of the Clinic is a separate one day clinic. Your registration fee covers both days of the clinic so you may attend for one whole day or break it up over two days. Saturday will be structure for older aged players while Sunday for younger aged players.
Saturday & Sunday Schedule
8:30 Registration
9:00 Individual Offensive Skills
10:15 Break
10:30 Individual Defensive Skills
11:45 Transition
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Team Offensive Skills
2:15 Break
2:30 Team Defensive Skills
3:45 Yearly Plan
4:30 Questions
NCCP Level 1 Technical Certification
The material covered in the Clinic meets the criteria for the NCCP Level 1 Technical Certificate (Basketball). In order to be eligible to receive the Technical Certificate the participant is required to purchase the Level 1 Coach’s Manual. The cost is $25.00 and must be ordered prior to the clinic (See Registration Form)
Registration Fee
Community Clubs and Schools can register as one group and bring an unlimited number of coaches. Coaches who are not registering with their community club or school may register as an individual.
Group Fee $300.00
Individual Fee $75.00
Lunch Included
Be One Membership Included
Please fill out the Clinic Registration Form (PDF) and send it along with payment to:
Eleanor Reimer
129 Baylor Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 3P3
Please make cheques payable to:
Jr. Bison Women’s Basketball Program