Manitoba’s Children’s Fitness Tax Credit will be extended to include claims for organized physical activities of young adults aged 16 to 24 starting in 2011, Premier Greg Selinger and Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors Minister Jim Rondeau announced April 15 at the grand opening of Sport Manitoba’s new Sport For Life Centre, where the premier also inducted world-record-holding 101-year-old swimmer Jaring Timmerman into the Order of the Buffalo Hunt.  Basketball Manitoba is able to provide such a receipt upon request to fulfill the claim requirements the the upcoming tax year.  The original Child Fitness Tax Credit is a federal tax credit that continues to apply to active children ages 15 and under.


Centenarian Swimmer Jaring Timmerman Inducted
into Order of the Buffalo Hunt for Life-long Commitment to Healthy


“Young adults have been known to reduce their fitness activities
as they graduate from high school and the physical education classes and
team sports that go with it,” said Selinger.  “Jaring Timmerman
exemplifies the benefits of life-long physical activity and the
extension of this tax credit will help Manitobans follow his example.”


Now called the Fitness Tax Credit, the change is intended to
encourage young people to continue in organized physical activity as
they become adults and transition from school to the workforce. Eligible
fitness activities, as defined under federal legislation for the
children’s tax credit, with costs totaling $500 or less, can be claimed
by the young adult, a spouse or parent. As a tax credit, this will
reduce the Manitoba income tax otherwise payable in a year. As is
currently the case for the children’s tax credit, young adults with a
disability will be eligible for an additional tax credit. This is the
first step toward meeting the commitment made in the 2009 speech from
the throne to phase in a new adult fitness credit, said Selinger.


“Our government has been at the forefront of promoting physical
activity as a life-long practice,” said Rondeau.  “Encouraging young
people to establish good habits at an early age increases the likelihood
that they’ll be on the right track for life.” 


The Fitness Tax Credit is one component of Manitoba’s
comprehensive approach to raise activity levels and reduce barriers to
physical activity. The vision is to make Manitobans healthier by
increasing physical activity in the province by 10 per cent by this year
and by 20 per cent by 2015. Manitobans are on track to meet these
targets, said Rondeau. The ultimate goal is for Manitobans be the
healthiest, most physically active people in Canada, he added. 


Another component of the overall approach is Manitoba in
, a program to help all Manitobans make physical activity part
of their daily lives for health and enjoyment. Communities, schools and
workplaces across the province are participating. Manitoba in
provides tips and tools for Manitobans wanting to get
active.  Details are available on the website at Manitoba
in motion received the national 2008 Canada in motion
Russ Kisby Physical Activity Leadership Award for excellence in
physical activity leadership.


Jaring Timmerman, an in motion champion himself, joins
other notable Manitoba athletes inducted into the Order of the Buffalo
Hunt including Jonathan Toews and Milt Stegall. 


The Order of the Buffalo Hunt was founded in 1957 to recognize the
outstanding and distinctive contributions of leaders in areas such as
politics, business, sports and entertainment.


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