Basketball Manitoba has obtained some interesting injury statistics tied to its Accident Insurance Program usage over the last decade.  Leading the way in the most common injury locations are ankles and knees, accounting for over 50% of all injuries.  Of the type of injury most attributed to a basketball player are strains and fractures. The remaining most common areas and types of injuries received by basketball players over the past decade include...

Basketball Injury Types and Locations (2000-2010)

Injury  %
Strain 68
Fracture  24
Concussion 3
Contusion 2
Dislocation 2
Eye 1
Anatomy %
Knee 25
Ankle (not foot or leg) 25
Teeth (including jaw area) 11
Leg (non knee and ankle) 11
Torso (including back, chest, mid-section) 10
Arm (including elbow, wrist, shoulder) 6
Foot (including arch and toes) 4
Hand (including fingers and palm) 4
Head (including nose and facial area) 3
Neck 1

Source: Basketball Manitoba Insurance Provider
The key to a safe basketball experience is prevention.  Check out some of these resources on what you can do to ensure you are participating in a safe playing environment.

Insurance Claims
Basketball Manitoba offers support to its membership with its Accident and Liability Insurance Program to active players, coaches and officials.  Details on this program can be found at
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