As of July 1st, 2010, the WMBA will have a new interim Executive
Director in Stephanie Somerville. Stephanie currently holds the position
of program coordinator within the league (since March 2010). She will
be stepping in for the current Executive Director, Lee Hurton who will
be on maternity leave until September, 2011. Contact information for
the league office (phone, email and fax) will remain the same during the
year as...
Winnipeg Minor Basketball
145 Pacific Avenue (MAP)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 2Z6
Phone (204) 925-5774
Fax (204) 925-5929
Director in Stephanie Somerville. Stephanie currently holds the position
of program coordinator within the league (since March 2010). She will
be stepping in for the current Executive Director, Lee Hurton who will
be on maternity leave until September, 2011. Contact information for
the league office (phone, email and fax) will remain the same during the
year as...
Winnipeg Minor Basketball
145 Pacific Avenue (MAP)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 2Z6
Phone (204) 925-5774
Fax (204) 925-5929