From October 14-16, the Manitoba Bisons women’s basketball team has designated a ‘Shoot for the Cure’ Garbonzo’s Invitational non-conference tournament to raise money and awareness for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  During this weekend tourney, 50% of gate proceeds from the whole tournament goes towards breast cancer research and finding a cure plus, there will be special limited edition pink T-shirts sold at Investors Group Athletic Centre for $10 each. The team has also set-up a Facebook page: UofM WomenBasketball with more info.  The highlight of the ‘Shoot for the Cure’ Garbonzo’s Invitational tournament will occur on Saturday, October 16 at the Investors Group Athletic Centre (IGAC). The annual ‘Pack the Place Pink Night’ happens
when Manitoba plays Regina at 6 p.m. and Concordia faces Senior Women's All-Stars at 8 p.m. The team is asking attendees to wear pink to show their support. The tournament will showcase university teams from Regina and Concordia plus Senior Women's All-Stars.  Tickets are available at the door with the admission at: $10 adults; $5 students/seniors. For more info...


Third year Bison women’s basketball forward Colleen Dorrian along with second year Bison forward Vanessa De Vries have spearheaded the ‘Shoot for the Cure’ efforts for the Bisons this season. Dorrian stated, “This is a special and important weekend for our team. All the proceeds from the tournament will go towards breast cancer research and finding a cure. We encourage everyone to support this fundraiser and come watch the Bisons women’s basketball team as they do their part to help bring awareness and fundraising for breast cancer.”


Over the past three seasons, the CIS Women's Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) has raised over $230,000 ($104,715.80 in 2009-10; $81,512.96 in 2008-09; $50,320.87 in 2007-08) for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. This season will be the fourth edition of the Shoot For The Cure initiative, launched in 2007-08 to raise awareness and money to fight the deadly disease.


Again this season, all members of the WBCA have committed to hosting at least one event to raise awareness to breast cancer.

Bisons ‘Shoot for the Cure’ Garbonzo’s Invitational Tournament – women’s basketball

Thursday, October 14

7:30 p.m.       Senior Women's All-Stars vs. Bisons (at Fort Richmond Collegiate - 99 Killarney)

Friday, October 15

6 p.m.             Regina vs. Senior Women's All-Stars

8 p.m.             Concordia vs. Bisons

Saturday, October 16 – ‘PACK THE PLACE PINK NIGHT’

6 p.m.             Regina vs. Bisons

8 p.m.             Concordia vs. Senior Women's All-Stars


Sunday, October 17

11 a.m.           Concordia vs. Regina


All games (except Oct. 14) played at Investors Group Athletic Centre (IGAC)

Daily admission during Invitational: $10 adults; $5 students/seniors


For more information, contact Bison women’s basketball head coach Pam Danis at 474-8785.

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