The Kelvin Sampson Basketball Weekend will be held in Red Lake, MN on Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, 2011 featuring NBA Assistant Coach Kelvin Sampson of the Milwaukee Bucks.  Two-time NCAA National Coach of the Year winner, Kelvin Sampson
starts his second season in Milwaukee after two seasons as Head Coach
at Indiana University.
  Red Lake is approximately a 4 hour drive south east of Winnipeg (MAP).  For full details...


The Pembroke, North Carolina, native's NCAA coaching career
began at Montana Tech in 1981 where he won two Frontier Conference
Championships while posting a 73-45 record in four seasons. He then
moved to Washington State where he led the team to the second round of
the NIT and the first round of the NCAA tournament while going
103-103 with the Cougars from 1987-94.

Sampson’s 12 seasons at Oklahoma (1994-06) produced two
National Coach of the Year Awards (1995, 2002), 11 NCAA Tournament
bids (three Sweet 16s, two Elite Eights and one Final Four) and a
279-109 record. With Indiana, Sampson's teams went 43-14 and received
NCAA Tournament bids in both seasons.

Sampson also has extensive experience working with USA
Basketball, including winning the 2004 World Championship for Young
Men - the last gold medal won by USA Basketball prior to the Beijing
Olympics. He has served as a head coach and assistant on various
Olympic levels in 1993, 1994, 1995, 2002 and 2004. Sampson earned his
Bachelor's degree at Pembroke State University and a Master's degree at
Michigan State.

Red Lake High School, Red Lake, MN (32 miles north of Bemidji)

Saturday, June 11

  • 2:30 pm, Check In

  • 3 to 4:30 pm, Kelvin Sampson Practice Session: Shooting Drills

  • 4:45 to 6:15 pm, Kelvin Sampson Practice Session: Defensive Drills

  • 6:15 to 6:25 pm, Autograph Session

  • 6:30 pm, Supper Break (On Your Own)

  • 7:40 to 8:20 pm, Coaching Clinic: Competitive Team Drills

  • 8:30 to 9:20 pm, Coaching Clinic: Offensive Sets/Special Situations

Sunday, June 12

  • 8:30 am, Check In

  • 9 to 10:30 am, Kelvin Sampson Practice Session: Offensive Breakdown Drills

  • 10:45 to 12:15 pm, Kelvin Sampson Practice Session: Intensity Drills

  • 12:15 to 12:25 pm, Autograph Session

  • 12:30 pm, Lunch Break (On Your Own)

  • 1:10 to 2:00 pm, Coaching Clinic: Winning With Less Talent

  • 2:10 to 3:00 pm, Coaching Clinic: Building Team Defense

Registration Fees and General Information:

Practice Sessions-Varsity Head Coaches are encouraged to contact their school players from fifth through 12th grade about the practice sessions (reply for a practice session form). Practice Sessions have very limited space available; $50 per day registration. Day One participants receive a camp basketball and Day Two participants receive a camp bag; each participant receives a Drill Book; no event day registration. There will be four basket coaches assisting Kelvin Sampson who will lead all main instruction. Videotaping is not allowed. A certified athletic trainer/nurse will be on site. Bring your own tape/underwrap and come early if you need to be taped. Registered coaches will be observing the practice sessions.

Coaching Clinics are open to all coaches at all levels; Pre Registration Deadline is June 8; $50 per coach per day for the three hour practice session and two 50 minute coaching clinic sessions; $75 per coach for both days; each registrant receives a Drill Book. Late and Event Day Registration is $65 per coach per day and $100 for both days but email if the event is going to be held; a quota of 60 registered coaches per day is needed in order for the coaching clinic to happen. There will not be separate practice and coaching clinic session registration fees unless the coaching clinic does not happen and pre registered coaches will be notified on June 8. On court demonstration with players. Videotaping is not allowed.

Special Products Sale For Registered Coaches Only:

  • 2011, 2010 and 2009 State and National Champion Basketball Playbooks are $15 each (save 50%) when included in the pre registration or $20 each (save 33%) at the event check in.

  • Kelvin Sampson DVD Sale: Contact for DVD titles and costs.

Coaching Clinic Registration Procedure: Send your (1) name/s of registered coach/es, (2) school name, (3) home mailing address, (4) email address/es, (5) phone number/s, (6) check or money order payable to National Champion Basketball Academy, (7) state Kelvin Sampson Coaches Clinic, and (8) mail to Dan Ninham, 2323 Wee Gwaus Drive SW, Bemidji, MN, 56601. You will receive an emailed registration confirmation.

Practice Session Registration For Athletes: Contact to request an emailed registration form.

Host Hotel: Seven Clans Casino Red Lake

Contact for the hotel rate for June 10 and 11

Kelvin Sampson Bio links:


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