- Canadian Sport for Life and Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) and how it is and will affect us all
- The over-emphasis on competition (games) as opposed to training (practices) especially at the younger developmental levels and how this needs to be regulated
- The fact that so many scheduled games is causing serious strain on the ability of MABO assignors to cover all the games and tournaments and, as a result, restrictions or a sanctioning process may have to be implemented
- The different philosophies of many club teams and how that affects players and parents in their selection of where to play
- The fact that provincial teams and elite development should be the main focus of all of our programs
- How the availability of facilities (gymnasiums) is so critical and how inconsistent policies are between the different school divisions
- The need for greater and more effective communication between all groups
Everyone in attendance agreed that the necessary changes will be a process over a number of years. The discussion at our recent AGM was an important step in the process. This kind of dialogue is a sign of a healthy organization.
These topics along with a host of others will be part of the discussion scheduled for this fall as Basketball Manitoba revisits its Long Term Strategic Plan for the next 5 years.