September 23rd-25th, 2011
University of Manitoba
& University of Winnipeg
University of Manitoba
& University of Winnipeg
In order to declare your teams interest in registering for the Rising Stars Qualifying Tournament, please email the league office by Friday, September 2nd. Please include your team name as well as age division. Once you have declared your intent, further information regarding tournament format will be emailed to you. Registration for the tournament must take place BEFORE Wednesday, September 14th.
Registration forms and payment may be dropped off to the office (145 Pacific Ave) anytime before this date, or mailed (145 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6). To print a registration form, click below.
A completed registration form as well as your teams tournament entry cheque must be submitted before Wednesday, September 14th.
The cost of the tournament will be $250. This includes a 3 game guarantee with the possibility of a 4th game.
Throughout the tournament, the WMBA Rising Stars Qualifying Tournament committee will be present to evaluate each teams strengths, weaknesses, as well as potential to improve. Invitations to join the Rising Stars league will be presented the week after the tournament to those teams who show an ability to compete with the other teams within their division. There is no minimum or maximum number of invitations per division.
Teams who are invited to play in the Rising Stars League will begin league play on Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 running through to Sunday, December 11th, 2011, totalling 8 games (1 per Sunday). The league will then pause until mid-April where play will resume with 8 more games and playoffs. Games in the spring will be played on Mondays and/or Wednesdays. Rising Stars teams are responsible for their own gym time for practices as well as their own uniforms. Cost per team is $2350.00 which includes all 18+ games as well as awards.
Please contact the league office at 925-5774 ext 2 or at info@wmba.ca if you have any questions.