Over the past weekened (November 25 & 26), a group of 45 Basketball Manitoba stakeholders plus the members of the elected Board and all staff, completed a strategic planning session which was the first step to setting a course for our sport for the next five years. On Friday, the Board members and staff began by developing a new statement of vision for our association – “Basketball Manitoba – Strive for Excellence! Play for Life!". Next was the development of 3 vision priorities which would become the focus of the discussion on the second day:
- We promote, deliver and support developmentally appropriate programs that are athlete centered, coach driven and official supported.
- We coordinate basketball in Manitoba by developing relationships / partnerships, and by providing leadership and governance. We accomplish this together by setting common goals and policies through effective communication.
- We enhance basketball by pursuing increased access to facilities and ensuring financial stability.
Time was also spent reviewing the results of the member survey that was distributed on-line over the past few weeks and which identified over 20 priority areas, many of which were inter-related. Areas most often mentioned were coach and referee education and retention, school and club relationships, facility access and construction, communication and promotion.
On Saturday, those in attendance were divided into five groups based upon different Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) stages. The groups were instructed to identify the key issues facing their stage, and then, most importantly, to identify possible solutions to address them as we move forward. The discussion was intense, honest, interesting and will be useful in giving the Board a framework for the next five years.
The Board and staff are committed to using this input from all members in developing a five-year plan which will become the basis of Basketball Manitoba’s direction in the future. Thanks to all who attended and those who completed the survey!
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