As the first half of the WMBA season is coming to a close, WMBA coaches are asked to review the league's timeline for the second half of the WMBA season which runs from January - March 2012. The first half of the season will wrap up on the weekend of December 10th & 11th as per the current schedule listed online. Once those games have been played, the WMBA league office will be removing all scores and standings from the website on Monday, December 12th to prepare for the new division splits created for the second half of the season. Divisions that do not keep score (5-10) may be shuffled for some variety, or they may stay the same depending on each individual division. Divisions that do keep score (11-18) with be re-grouped into 2 or 3 possible divisions differentiated by colour - Black, Blue and Red. On Monday, December 12th, these new divisions will be posted online for coaches, parents and players to view.