On the Move is a national initiative to increase opportunities for inactive girls and young women (ages 9-18) to participate in sport and physical activity. CAAWS is excited to partner with Directorat de l’activité sportive du Manitoba (DAS) to support a Newcomer On the Move program in Winnipeg. The Newcomer On the Move workshop is designed for anyone with an interest in the health and well-being of girls and young women i.e. recreation staff, health promoters, coaches, sport administrators, teachers, school administrators, staff from settlement service agencies, and parents. Workshop participants will receive a complimentary copy of the On the Move Handbook and other CAAWS resources. Workshop is porvide free of charge. For details...
WHEN: February 13th 2012, 10:00am – 1:30pm
Light refreshments and snacks will be provided!
WHERE: Sport For Life Centre, 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
R.S.V.P. to: Françoise Uwamariya, DAS
Phone: 925-5662 or 391-3844; Email: francoise@directorat.mb.ca
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: February 6th 2012 at 5:00pm
Read more about the workshop including contents and faciliators at...