Basketball Manitoba has launched a new events calendar which will attempt to include ALL significant basketball events occurring year round at all levels of the game in the province. The calendar currently features all Basketball Manitoba programs, events, deadlines, sanctioned tournaments and will include this fall all Manitoba CIS and MCAC game schedules among others. Members of the basketball community are welcome to submit their own key basketball events into the calendar, which can also be viewed using the Basketball Manitoba
Scoreboard App on your moble device. The new calendar can also be 'subscribed' to your own personal calendar program including ones powered by Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook & Hotmail, Apple iCal, Mozilla Lighting, Yahoo among others. To view the new calendar and for instructions on how to subscribe to it...

To have your Manitoba basketball related event added to our Calendar, EMAIL the specs to us including the title, dates, times, locations and description and it will be added within 48 hours! Copy or share this calendar:

How to 'Subscribe' to the Basketball Manitoba Events Calendar:
- Copy this calendar URL into your clipboard... http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/basketballmanitoba.ca_8nk1j54gsd46807b906gt3i190%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic
- Follow the instructions shown below to import the live data into your favorite calendar program...