Coaching Manitoba has announced that it will be taking applications for consideration for support under the Grey Cup Legacy Fund. The fund was established by the Grey Cup Festival Committee, with the surplus funds arising from the staging of the 1991 Grey Cup Game in Winnipeg. The fund promotes excellence in football and other sports in Manitoba through the development of coaching expertise. Deadline for applications is June 1, 2012. The activities supported by the Fund include...
- Coaching scholarships of $1500 to individuals sponsored by a Manitoba university or Provincial Sport Organization.
- Grants of up to $4000 in support of coaching seminars to a sponsoring institution (university or relevant sport association).
- Grants of up to $3000 in support of a "Coach in Residence" program to facilitate extended visits by experts relevant to coaching development to a sponsoring university, provincial sport organization or related association.
- Internships of up to $1500 to a host organization wishing to further develop a Students' professional skills.
- Awarding of a prize for the "High School Coach of the Year".
Please see individual applications for annual deadline date for grants.