The WMBA would like to announce details regarding their Annual General Meeting as well as advertise a new Board of Directors position within its association. The Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 at 145 Pacific Ave (Sport for Life Centre). The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. At the AGM, the league will announce the location of its next Foundation Outdoor Court, present two Foundation Scholarships to deserving graduating students that have been involved with the league, as well as announce and present the Coach of the Year award to this year's recipient. The league will also be appointing existing Board of Directors to new terms, as well as appoint a new Director with the portfolio of "Female Development and Promotion". For any parties interested in the new portfolio, please contact...
Darcy at info@wmba.ca for more information and to submit your name for consideration and nomination. Individuals interested in getting involved with the Board of Directors in any other capacity should also contact the league office to submit their name for nomination.