FV01 105 ATHLETIC INJURY MANAGEMENT > Frank Randall > 55 Minutes > 1988

  • Athletic Therapist Frank Randall leads you through this presentation dealing with a variety of sports related injuries and how to rehabilitate them properly.  Topics include the prevention, coping and healing of several sports injuries from head to toe.  An effective tool to better prepare you to deal with one of the unfortunate realities of sport.

> FV02 105 ATHLETIC TAPING > Johnson & Johnson > 40 Minutes > 1983

  • This video production, put together by one of the largest athletic medical suppliers in the world along with the NBA Trainers Association provides detailed examples and techniques on how to properly tape a joint prior to a game or practice.  All off the body’s joints including the foot, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers are used as examples in this very through taping guide.  A great source of information for anyone involved in basketball!

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