Dates: June 20, 21, 22, 2014 at Garden City Collegiate
- TYKES - Born 2003 & younger
- PEEWEE - Born 2001 & younger
- BANTAM GIRLS - Born 1999 & younger
- BANTAM BOYS - Born 1999 & younger
- GIRLS - Born 1997 & Younger
- BOYS - Born 1997 & younger
- JUVENILE GIRLS - Born 1994 & younger
FIBA rules will be in effect for all divisions. (unless otherwise stated)
- All games will consist of two 20 minutes running-time halves with a 5 minutes warm-up and a 2 minutes half time. In the 2nd half, last 2 minutes stop-time unless otherwise if the point spread is greater than 20 points, running-time. All time outs stop-time.
- 8 sec backcourt, 24 sec shot clock, in gyms without shot clocks, 24 sec possession will be at the discretion of the referee.
- There will be two 30 secs. time out per half with no carry over.
- Overtime will be 3 minutes with one 30 secs. time out, second OT, no timeout- 2 minutes, 3
- 3 point shots possible where 3 point lines are available.
- Game time is default time. A team may start a game with four players.
- Teams are required to provide their own warm-up balls.
- 2 Way Tie on Round Robin: win over will apply.
- Ball size: Men (Open, U17, U15 & Gr-6/7) size 7. Grade 4/5 division will use size 6 ball
- All teams are guaranteed a minimum of 3 scheduled games.
- All defenses and presses will be allowed. Zone defenses of any kind will not be allowed at the 10-11 age or grade 4/5 level.
- Double-teaming” ON THE BALL is permitted anytime in all boys age divisions 10 years of age and older.
- Double teaming of players who do not have the ball is not permitted in gr 4/5.
- No-full court press by a team who is up by 20 or more points.
- Substitutions for either team may occur on any dead ball.
3 Way Tie on Round Robin: If a tie exists between three (3) or more teams, the Goal Average Method will be used.
- Scores against the team(s) NOT involved in the three-way tie are discarded.
- The Goal Average of total points scored and allowed for each game is calcualted of the three teams involved in the three-way tie.
- The team with the highest Goal Average value will be given priority ranking.
- The team with the second highest Goal Average value willgiven be the secondary ranking.
Team Registration Fee: $250.00
Submit your payment along with your Roster Form (found on our website at www.pbawinnipeg.net) to:
Muriel Masangkay
58 Prince Edward St.
Wpg, MB R2W 3K3
Email: pbawpg@gamil.com
Manny Aranez
Tel: 204-294-7931
Email: jamesarnes19@hotmail.com
Deadline: June 16, 2014.