Eighteen of the best NBA 2K ballers in Winnipeg showed up on Saturday, October 19 and battled it out for the chance to be crowned Winnipeg's BEST player!
When the dust settled, Darnell Retumalta stood alone as Bracket Blitz Gaming's first NBA 2K Tournament Champion!
Darnell won his game 70-65 over Runner Up Akida Lewis in a hard fought Final Game. Darnell was the lone competitor to go without a loss and won his games by an average of 9 points.
Akida Lewis shook off an early round defeat and worked his way back into the winner's bracket for a spot in the NBA 2K14 Tournament Finals. His valiant effort was thwarted by Retumalta, who handed Akida his second loss and the award of runner up in this year's tournament!
Both Akida and Darnell are inducted into the Bracket Blitz Gaming Hall of Fame! http://bracketblitzgaming.com/hall-of-fame.htm

Thanks to all the participants who came out and a special thanks to all who supported the event and showed us some love!
Stay tuned for news of our next tournament, which is coming soon! Bracket Blitz Gaming of Winnipeg has announced details on its first annual NBA 2K14 basketball video game tournament scheduled for Saturday October 19 at Northgate Shopping Centre. If you've ever played a game with friends and argued about who is the best then it's time to get ready! Put it all on the line and settle who is going to be this year's king of the virtual hardwood in Winnipeg!
Bracket Blitz Gaming
presents Winnipeg's first annual City wide
NBA 2K14 tournament
Date: Saturday October 19, 2013
Place: Northgate Shopping Center (Unit 1400-1399 McPhillips Street)
Cost: $20 per person
Tournament Format: 1v1, NCAA style, Single Elimination
- 1st Place: Trophy, T-Shirt, Cash Prize (dependant on # of entrants) and a copy of the game
- 2nd Place: Trophy, T-Shirt
For more information .....
e-mail - bracketblitz@gmail.com
website: http://www.bracketblitzgaming.com
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bracketblitz
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/422660777844941/