- The following terms have these meanings in this Policy:
- “Social media” – The catch-all term that is applied broadly to new computer-mediated communication media such as blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram among others.
- “Branded social media” – Official social media engagement by the Organization including the Organization’s Facebook page, Twitter feed, Instagram feed, photo sharing accounts, YouTube channels, blogs, message boards, or other social media engagement; both those that exist currently and those that will be created by the Organization in the future
- “Representative” – All individuals employed by, or engaged in activities on behalf of, the Organization. Representatives include, but are not limited to, staff members, contract personnel, volunteers, medical personnel, researchers, administrators, committee members, and directors and officers of the Organization
- The Organization encourages the use of social media by its Representatives to enhance effective communication, build the Organization brand, and interact with members and clients. Since there is so much ambiguity in the use of social media, the Organization has created this policy to inform boundaries and standards for Representatives’ social media use.
Application of this Policy
- This Policy applies to all Representatives.
Representatives’ Responsibilities
- In their capacity as an Organization representative, Organization Representatives will not:
Use social media for the purpose of fraud or any other activity that contravenes the laws of Canada, the Organization’s Code of Conduct and Ethics, or any other applicable jurisdiction
Impersonate any other person or misrepresent their identity, role, or position with the Organization
Display preference or favouritism with regard to athletes, coaches, or other individuals associated with the Organization
Upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit:
Any content that is offensive, obscene, unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, hateful, invasive of another person’s privacy, or otherwise objectionable
Any material which is designed to cause annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety to others
Any material that infringes on the patent, trademark, trade secrets, copyright, or other proprietary right of any other party
Any material that is considered Organization’s confidential information or intellectual property, per the Organization’s Confidentiality Policy
- Representatives shall refrain from discussing matters related to the Organization or its operations on Representatives’ personal social media. Instead, matters related to the Organization or its operations should be handled through more official communication channels (like email) or through the Organization-branded social media.
- Representatives shall use their best judgment to respond to controversial or negative content posted by other people on the Organization-branded social media. In some cases, deletion of the material may be the most prudent action. In other cases, responding publicly may be preferred. If a Representative questions the correct action to take, the Representative shall consult with another Representative who has more decision-making authority at the Organization.
- Representatives shall use a clear and appropriate writing style.
- Representatives must use their best judgement when using their personal social media to interact with athletes, parents/guardians of athletes, coaches, and other individuals affiliated with the Organization. The Organization does not prescribe social media rules for Representatives’ personal social media use but instead trusts and encourages Representatives to develop their own personal social media strategy (informed by Organization’s Code of Conduct and Ethics) for communication.
- Representatives who create external websites or other social media related to the Organization activities must abide by the following conditions:
Must follow Section 4 of this Policy when posting material
Must obtain consent (per Organization’s Privacy Policy) before posting personal information (as defined in the Organization’s Privacy Policy) or pictures of athletes or other individuals
Must contain a hyperlink to the Organization website
Organization Responsibilities
- The Organization will:
Ensure that Representatives only use the Organization-branded social media in a positive manner when connecting with others
Properly vet and understand each social medium before directing Representatives to engage with, or create, Organization-branded social media
Monitor Representatives’ use of the Organization-branded social media
- Failure to adhere to this Policy may permit discipline in accordance with the Organization’s Discipline and Complaints Policy, legal recourse, or termination of the employment/volunteer position.
- The following terms have these meanings in this Policy:
- “Case Manager” – The person or organization appointed by Organization to oversee management and administration of complaints.
- “Organization” – Basketball Manitoba
- “Social media” – The catch-all term that is applied broadly to computer-mediated communication media such as blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter (among others).
- Stakeholders” – Stakeholders include:
- All categories of membership defined in the Organization’s Bylaws
- All individuals engaged in activities with, Organization including, but not limited to, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, team managers, medical personnel, administrators, committee members, and directors and officers of Organization.
- All members of Organization Provincial/Territorial Associations, Member Clubs (and those affiliated with an Organization Provincial/Territorial Association)
- The Organization is aware that Stakeholder interaction and communication occurs frequently on Social Media and is a tool for the Organization to engage its Stakeholders. The Organization cautions Stakeholders that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by the Organization’s Code of Conduct will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within the Organization’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.
- This Policy applies to all Stakeholders as defined in the Definitions.
- Per the Organization’s Discipline and Complaints Policy and Code of Conduct, the following Social Media conduct may be considered minor or major infractions at the discretion of the Case Manager:
- Posting a disrespectful, hateful, insulting, or otherwise negative comment online, that is directed at Stakeholders or at other persons connected with the Organization.
- Posting a disparaging or harmful comment online that is directed at the Organization.
- Creating or contributing to an online group, webpage, blog, or online forum devoted solely or in part to promoting negative or disparaging remarks or commentary about the Organization or its reputation.
- Posting a picture, altered picture, or video online or other social medium that is harmful, disrespectful, insulting, or otherwise offensive, and that is directed at Stakeholders or at other persons connected with the Organization.
- Any instance of cyber-bullying or cyber-harassment between one Stakeholder and another Stakeholder (including a teammate, coach, opponent, volunteer, or official), where incidents of cyber-bullying and cyber-harassment can include but are not limited to the following conduct on any social medium, via text-message, or via email: regular insults, negative comments, vexatious behavior, pranks or jokes, threats, posing as another person, spreading rumors or lies, or other harmful behavior.
- Acting as any other person other than the Stakeholder.
- In addition to Section 4, Stakeholders have a responsibility to:
- Use casual, respectful and friendly language, and never say anything online that a Stakeholder would not say in front of individuals to whom they respect
- Be truthful and in the case of in advert mistake, make every effort to correct the mistake as soon as possible
- Refrain from the use of profanity and hateful language
- Refrain from venting frustrations about a game or event or decisions or actions by other Stakeholders
- Understand that what is posted on Social Medial becomes a permanent public record
- Understand that it is not productive to get into an argument with anyone online or via Social Media
- Understand that the Organization relies on volunteer efforts of organizers and will be respectful of this and show appreciation when appropriate and avoid public criticism at all times
- Understand that Stakeholders are ambassadors for sport and will act in a manner that positively promotes sport
- Stakeholders must be aware that their Social Media use may be monitored by the Organization or by the Stakeholder’ local associations.
- When using Social Media, a Stakeholder must model appropriate behaviour benefiting the Stakeholder’s status as an athlete and a Stakeholder of the Organization.
- Removing content from Social Media after it has been posted (either publicly or privately) does not excuse the Stakeholder from being subject to the Organization Discipline and Complaints Policy.
- Any individual who believes that the Social Media use by another Stakeholder is inappropriate or may violate the Organization’s policies and procedures should report the matter to the Organization in the manner outlined by the Organization Discipline and Complaints Policy.