(NOTE: Zone basketball conveners and tournament hosts, may use their own flexibility for their specific basketball events.)
FIBA Rules 2014:
2. Article 4.4 – Other Equipment
a) Art. 4.4.2 - T-shirts under the playing jersey are allowed as long as they are the same dominant color as the jersey.
b) Art. 4.4.2 - The FIBA rule stating that only “non-coloured transparent mouth guards” are permitted shall be disregarded. Therefore, mouth guards of any colour(s) are permitted.
c) Art. 4.4.2 - The FIBA rule stating that only “non-coloured transparent taping of arms, shoulders, legs, etc.” is permitted shall be disregarded. Therefore, taping of arms, shoulders, legs, etc. is permitted with any colour of tape.
d) Compression Garments: The following are permitted:
- Compression undergarments that extend below the shorts of the same dominant colour as the shorts.
- Compression stockings of the same dominant colour as the shorts.
- Compression sleeves of the same dominant colour as the shirts.
Since compression sleeves are allowed, by extension in Canada, we allow a compression undershirt with long sleeves as long as it is the same colour as the jersey.

a) Unless otherwise indicated, there shall be a half-time interval of play of ten (10) minutes.
4. Article 28 – Eight Seconds
a) MHSAA Junior Varsity games will play under a ten (10) second backcourt rule.
5. Article 29 – Twenty-four Seconds
a) MHSAA Junior Varsity games will play using a thirty (30) second shot clock.
6. Article 33.10 – No-Charge Semi-Circle Areas
This rule is not being used at the high school level. Regular Block/Charge rule applies at the officials’ judgement.
7. Article 38 – Disqualifying Foul
a) Art. 38.1.2 – Under no circumstances shall the “Captain” replace a coach or the assistant coach who has received a disqualifying foul.
b) Art. 38.2.2 – Under FIBA Rules, “Whenever the offender is disqualified according to the respective articles of these rules, he shall go to and remain in his team's dressing room for the duration of the game or, if he so chooses, he shall leave the building.”
i. Most school divisions (Boards) do not allow a disqualified player to leave the playing court without proper supervision. If proper supervision is not present, then the disqualified player must remain on the team bench under the supervision of the coach(s) and/or school personnel.
8. Article 50 – Shot Clock Operator Duties
Art. 50.5 – Under FIBA Rules, Shot Clock is “Stopped and reset to 14 seconds when: After the ball has touched the ring on an unsuccessful shot for a field goal, a last or only free throw or on a pass, if the team which regains control of the all is the same team that was I control of the ball before the ball touched the ring” shall be disregarded. Most schools do not have the equipment or expertise in order to achieve this 14 second reset. Therefore, a full reset will occur during live play.
9. Dunking during an interval of play
Observe the conference/school/tournament rules regarding dunking and penalize accordingly.
10. Other Modifications/Official’s Protocol:
Please note the following modifications to the Official Basketball Rules 2012 and the Referees’ Manual 2-Person Officiating:
Timer Duties (Article 49.4)
In competitions where the FIBA Pre-game procedures are not applied, the following protocol will apply to the timer duties and official's duties during the pre-game and intervals between periods, as it relates to sounding of the horn and the official's whistle, as per Article 49.4:
- The Timer shall sound his signal (horn) before the first and third period when 3:00 minutes and 1:30 remain until the beginning of the period.
- The Timer shall sound his signal (horn) before the second, fourth and each extra period when 0:30 seconds remain until the beginning of the period.
[Note: If the FIBA protocol for introducing players (a suggestion in the 2 and 3-person manuals) at the 6-minute mark is followed, then the referee blows the whistle at 6:00, 3:00, 1:30, and 0:30 in addition to the Timer’s signals (above).]
MABO Pre-Game Protocol (for all levels of competition):
- Both officials on the court 20 minutes before game time, opposite the scorer’s table.
- Make sure score sheet is correctly prepared and that, 10 minutes before game time, coaches confirm list, indicate five starters and the Captain, and sign score sheet (Referee only to scorer’s table)
- 2:00 minutes, officials come across floor to table side
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Martha Bradbury
MABO Provincial Interpreter
EXCLUSIVE: Watch Martha Bradbury's 45 minute presentation at the Super Coaches Clinic on the new FIBA rule changes...
Martha Bradbury
FIBA Rule Changes Overview and Q&A
Presenter Documents:
- View Powerpoint Presentation
- FIBA Rulebook & Casebook
- Basketball Manitoba Scoreboard App
- MABO Ask the Ref Feature
Download Full Video (find download link below the video in the new window)