Basketball Coaches Day in Canada
THANKS COACH!  Those words can never be said enough!  It doesn't matter who you are, but a vast majority of society has had some interaction with a coach.  Be it as a player, a parent or a fan, coaches have a great impact on people and for that, we say THANK YOU!  From all the planning and development time to time in the gym before, during and after practices and games, coaches are the fuel that drives sport forward.

As part of National Basketball Coaches Day, we are asking that you reach out to that special coach in your live who impacted you growing up.  Reach out and say THANKS COACH!  They will love to hear from you and it will be a great opportunity to reconnect.

As part of National Coaches Day, Basketball Manitoba is making all 2014 Super Coaches Clinic videos public on Saturday.  Access to these videos is currently open to 2014 SCC clinic attendees only.  They will return to private access on Sunday and will once again be made permanently public in 2015.

Past clinic videos can also be seen below or at this link...


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