Tryouts for boys, born 2001, will take place on ...
- Thursday August 27, 2015 from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Saturday August 29, 2015 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Tryout Notes:
- There will be a fee of $25 per player, which MUST be paid at the registration desk prior to the tryouts
- Registration will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of the tryouts
- Registration and Indemnification forms will be available at the registration desk
- Every player should bring either a reversible jersey or a dark and a light-colored shirts to the tryout
- Every player must bring his own basketball and a water bottle
- All participants will be notified within 48 hrs of the outcome of the tryouts.
About Team Flex
Serving the Corydon / River Heights, Charleswood, St. James & Westwood area, our team will seek to develop balanced, well rounded basketball players. Athletes will be expected to be involved in the community and will be encouraged to "give back/pay it forward" through various initiatives and opportunities. Our ultimate wish is to not only develop good athletes but also good citizens.
We will train athletes according to the Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) model published by Canada Basketball. Practices will take place twice a week and games once per week for a balanced training-to-competition ratio.
We seek to provide a competitive environment for athletes who seek a greater challenge and we'll provide a safe and fun environment in which to do so.
Our team focus will be on skills, strategy, balance, respect and sportsmanship.
All coaches will adhere to The Coaching Association of Canada's guidelines for age specific training.
We will provide both parents and athletes with opportunities to raise funds in order to attend tournaments both in and out of province, and in order to subsidize costs of registration into league, uniforms, etc.
Please send general inquiries about Team Flex Basketball Club to
Ricardo Martinez