Wheelchair basketball athletes are classified by Wheelchair Basketball Canada and assigned a point between 1.0 and 4.5. The total points on the court at one time cannot exceed 15, which means there must always be a mix of able-bodied and disabled players.
The team is always seeking out new members to develop and train with including those recently recovered / recovering from injury / surgery and as result, can no longer participate at a high level and are still wanting a competitive experience and new challenge.
Eleven athletes from Manitoba are headed to Kamloops for nationals. Their http://gofundme.com/mtqqh8f6 page is raising money for the cost of travel.
Those interested can contact the coach (pictured above) at...
Jarrett Yaworski
Article & Photo Source: http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-wheelchair-basketball-team-heads-to-nationals-after-9-year-hiatus-1.3509909