It's that time of year when we all emerge from our winter caves and start looking to take our love of basketball outside! Check out the recently updated Outdoor Basketball Court Map, which now boasts over 300 listings of outdoor courts, including 750 hoops in over 75 different communities across Manitoba. We are still looking for you to submit the specs to your neighbourhood public court. This program aims to index EVERY outdoor basketball court in Manitoba in an interactive - Google-powered map for the basketball community to use to find the best outdoor courts in the province. We are looking for data on any public basketball court province-wide - from Altona to Winnipeg and everything between (north, east, south and western Manitoba). Check out the latest additions and submit your own court at...
The data being collected on each court will include...
- Street Address of Court
- City or Town
- Total Number of Hoops
- Height of Hoops
- Backboard Type
- Mesh on Hoops
- Lighting Present
- Playing Surface
- Court Markings
- Court Fencing
- User Submitted Court Rating
We ask you to submit all the basketball court information from your area. Don't assume someone else will. Like any other Google map, you can navigate it, including zooming in and out and generating driving directions to a set point.
View the new court mapping system and submit your court info now at...
Thanks for your anticipated help with this project!