MABO would like to congratulate the following Manitoba officials for their appointment to the 2016 Canada Basketball 15U and 17U Boys National Championships from August 1-6 at the University of Winnipeg in Winnipeg, MB. :
15U Boys Appointments
- Ron Guinto (Winnipeg)
- Trevor Harder (Winnipeg)
- Craig Holowachuk (Winnipeg)
- Pavle Kukic (Winnipeg)
17U Boys Appointments
- Matt DeGagne (Brandon)
- Justin Pursaga (Winnipeg)
- Andy Russo (Winnipeg)
- Aimee Van Dam (Winnipeg)
- Evan Victoruk (Winnipeg)
MABO would like to congratulate the following officials for their appointment to the 2016 Power Smart Manitoba Summer Games in Steinbach, MB. from August 8-10 :
- Shirley Blanca (Winnipeg)
- Arden Boville (Winnipeg)
- Wayne Elias (Steinbach)
- Antonio Gutierrez (Winnipeg)
- Trevor Harder (Winnipeg)
- Dan Kinaschuk (Winnipeg)
- Richard Kleban (Winnipeg)
- Bob Kuz (Selkirk)
- Min Lee (Winnipeg)
- Joon Monton (Winnipeg)
- Mike Nazar (Winnipeg)
- Danny Reimer (Steinbach)
- Andy Russo (Winnipeg)
- Cam Scott (Springstein)
- Benjamin Szymkow (Winnipeg)
All schedules and more information can be found on the Basketball Manitoba website.
Source: http://ift.tt/2a5g5Q9