POSITION: Spence Neighbourhood Association Sports Coordinator
Spence Neighbourhood Association is looking to fill a 35 hour per week Sports coordinator position. The Spence Neighbourhood Association Sports Program provides a healthy, safe and constructive environment in which kids can participate and develop their skills. Our programming focuses on integrating the teaching of life and sports skills. We strive to develop participant’s communication and social skills as well as increasing their self confidence and leadership capacity. These skills will assist kids in overcoming life obstacles so that they become leaders in the community. The program also works to remove barriers from community clubs and sports organizations that make it impossible for youth in our community to play organized sports.
- Experience organizing sports programming for 9 -17 year olds
- Education or training in coaching, teaching or recreational programming
- Experience in managing volunteers
- Experience in coaching sports and providing sports programs
- Be able to provide clear direction and feed back to volunteers, and youth participants
- Have an in depth understanding of the barriers that inner city communities face when accessing sports
- Be able to communicate both verbally and in writing
- Enjoy team work and be willing to assist other youth program leaders
- Be able to provide a current criminal record check and child registry check
- Be able to work afternoons/evenings and some weekends
- Drivers Licence- Posses Class 4 driver's license or be willing to attain it
- Experience in report and proposal writing
- Current First aid, CPR training
- Creativity and ambition
- Experience working in the inner city community
- Experience working with organizations such as WMBA and WYSA
- Experience writing funding proposals and grant applications
- Ability to multi-task
Duties Include:
- Create, organize, develop and implement Sport Programming
- Build relationships with partners, organizations and other youth serving organizations in order to provide qualityprogramming to youth
- Serve as support to the Youth Agencies Alliance Sport and Recreation Coordinator
- Serve as convener for the SNA sports club MERC in the WMBA, WYSA etc.
- Recruit, train and manage volunteer coaches, drivers and club managers
- Write funding proposals, funding reports, and programming result reports
- Track, monitor and evaluate programs, and report evaluation results
- Recruit players for all sports programming
- Manage the sports program budget
- Serve as support for all the participants in the sports programming
- Manage, maintain and buy equipment for the program
- Arrange transportation for kids to attend practices and games
- Secure funding for the program to continue the following year
- Recruit, train, support and mentor coaches, volunteers and practicum students
- Work towards growth of inner city sports through sustainable means
- Provide support and work closely with all of the after school programs at the Spence Neighbourhood Association
Hours and remuneration:
- The Employee agrees to fulfill a 30 hour work week. SNA agrees to pay $14.25-$15.25 per hour for a 35 hour work week on a bi-weekly schedule, with hours paid as worked. Required CPP, EI, and tax deductions will be made and employer contributions will be paid.
- Responsibilities may require flexible hours to be worked (i.e., evenings and weekends). However, regular hours will be between 3 pm and 10 pm Monday to Friday Saturday and Sundays 9-6pm.
- The Spence Neighbourhood Association would like to encourage applications from qualified candidates who reflect the diversity of our community.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 4:00pm Friday, November 4th, 2016
Spence Neighbourhood Association
Attention: Jamil Mahmood
615 Ellice Ave, R3G 0A4
E-mail: jamil@spenceneighbourhood.org
Source: http://www.spenceneighbourhood.org/employment