The Basketball Coach Schools offered by Basketball Manitoba are starting around Manitoba. Basketball Manitoba is pleased to offer to Manitoba School Divisions the opportunity to host one of the 'Basketball Coach School' Clinics in November or December. The clinics are offered at NO COST to the host School Division and are targeted to in-school middle / junior high and high school coaches and can are set up in conjunction with an existing coordinated or in-service day. The clinics range in length between 3-6 hours and will be conducted by Basketball Manitoba Technical Director Dan Becker along with a variety of special guests including Randy Kusano, Ross Wedlake and Grant Richter among others.
The clinics include age and grade-appropriate topics including fundamental drills and skills (shooting, passing, dribbling), practice management and basic team offensive and defensive concepts. Clinics are filled on a first come first served basis.
The clinics are open to the public to attend at no cost that registers with a site host. For more information and to see a listing of the current clinic schedule, go to...