What are the JCC Maccabi Games?
The JCC Maccabi Games are an international Olympic style competition in a variety of events for Jewish teens ages 13 – 16. In addition to athletic events the JCC Maccabi Games features opportunities for Jewish youth to engage in social events with other Jewish teens from around the world. Cultural connection with Jewish heritage and strengthening ties with Israel are also part of the JCC Maccabi Games experience.
Who is eligible?
If you are between the ages of 13 & 16 as of July 31, 2017, identify as being Jewish, you may apply to attend the JCC Maccabi Games. Successful applicants must have a valid passport and be able to travel to the United States.
To apply or learn more about Team Winnipeg and the JCC Maccabi Games, contact Mark Spencer, Delegation Head, at (204) 477-7543 or at mspencer@radyjcc.com.