The Manitoba Association of Basketball Officials, in accordance with its Bylaws, will be electing four executive positions at its next Annual General Meeting. The board has duly appointed Wes Crymble and Jim Boyd to the nominating committee. The four positions up for election this year are:
- The President
- The Vice President
- The Provincial Supervisor
- The Provincial Interpreter
The President:
- Supervises the affairs of the Board,
- When present, chairs all meetings of the Association, the Board and the Executive Committee;
- Is an ex officio member of all Committees, except the Nominating Committee;
- Acts as the spokesperson for the Association;
- Shall serve as the liaison from MABO to the Basketball Manitoba Board of Directors.
- Chairs the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
- Presides at meetings in the President’s absence. If the Vice-President is absent, the Directors elect a Chairperson for the meeting.
- Replaces the President at various functions when asked to do so by the President or the Board;
- Shall act as a member of all committees.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee;
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board; and
- Chairs the Recruitment and Retention Committee.
- Shall make assignments for Basketball Manitoba and MHSAA provincial tournaments.
- Shall make recommendations for all provincial and national tournament assignments, which will be approved in principle by the Executive Committee.
- Shall assign tournament Assignors/Evaluators for all provincial tournaments, where applicable.
- Shall inform Basketball Manitoba and CABO of the Board’s selection of officials for national and international assignments.
- Shall be the MABO representative to the CABO Committee of Supervisors.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
- Shall be responsible for organizing the content for the annual provincial clinics.
- Shall make rules exams available as required by CABO.
- Shall provide the membership with CABO bulletins regarding rule interpretations.
- Shall provide rule interpretations when requested by members.
- Shall be the MABO representative to the CABO Committee of Interpreters.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
If you’re interested in running for one of these positions please contact Jim or Wes, indicate the position that you are interested in and provide your brief rationale, in writing, for why you should be elected to that position. You may nominate another individual and I would ask that you do so with that person’s written consent. Again please include a brief written rationale for why the person should be elected to the position indicated.
Please have these submitted, via email, to a member of the nominating committee no later than Monday, May 29th.
Nominating Committee contact information:
Jim Boyd: breboyd2@shaw.ca
Wes Crymble: wcrymble@shaw.ca