UPDATED AUG 22: The Manitoba Rebels Basketball Club is looking to fill remaining roster positions for the 2017-2018 Season. Tryouts will be held this Sunday, August 27 from 1-3PM at Red River College (North Gym).
Registration fees: There will be a charge of $10.00 per player and is payable on the tryout date. Please fill out and send completed registration form to manitobarebelsbasketball@gmail.com prior to tryout date. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to time slot and bring your own basketball and water bottle.
Roster Selection: Team selections will be made within 24 hours. To secure roster spot we require $100 deposit (cash, e-transfer, cheque payable to Manitoba Rebels). Deposits will be applied to the players’ fee for the year.
If you have any questions regarding the Manitoba Rebels basketball program, please contact:
Dirk Leavesley by phone (204) 955-0547 or by email at manitobarebelsbasketball@gmail.com
Updates can also be found on our Instagram profile: manitoba_rebels
NEW GIRLS TEAM ADDED: Manitoba Rebels Basketball Club have announced their tryout schedule for the 2017-2018 season. Tryouts will be held on Tuesday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 16 at the University of Winnipeg Duckworth Centre for the following male age groups: 2000,2001,2002,2004,2005.
- Age Group Date Time Gym
- Males Born 2002 Tuesday, August 15 7-9PM Duckworth West
- Males Born 2000/2001 Tuesday, August 15 7-9PM Duckworth East
- Males Born 2004/2005 Wednesday, August 16 7-9PM Duckworth West
- NEW Females Born 2000/2001 Wednesday, August 16 7-9PM Duckworth East NEW
All teams will have high performance coaching and will compete in Canada and the US.
There will be a charge of $10.00 per player and is payable on the tryout date. Please fill out and send completed REGISTRATION FORM to manitobarebelsbasketball@gmail.com prior to tryout date. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to time slot and bring your own basketball and water bottle.
Roster Selection:
Team selections will be made within 24 hours. To secure roster spot we require $100 deposit (cash, e-transfer, cheque payable to Manitoba Rebels). Deposits will be applied to the players’ fee for the year.
About the Rebels
Manitoba Rebels is entering its fifth season!
Our club follows the Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) model set forth by Basketball Canada, and ensure a minimum of 2 practices to 1 game ensuring correct skill and development vs. application of skills and development through games/scrimmages.
We provide full transparency in the cost of our program and also run fundraising campaigns throughout the year to cover costs. Teams will compete in league play and in tournaments throughout the season and teams are expected to travel out of province. In previous years, our Rebels teams traveled to Minnesota, North Dakota, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
If you have any questions regarding the Manitoba Rebels basketball program, please contact:
Dirk Leavesley by phone (204) 955-0547 or by email at manitobarebelsbasketball@gmail.com
Updates can also be found on our Instagram profile: manitoba_rebels