The Royals Basketball Club of Selkirk, Manitoba has announced they will be hosting a basketball camp on January 4 & 5 for boys and girls ages 7-12 at Selkirk Comprehensive School. Details include...
Date: January 4 & 5
Ages: 7-12 female / male
Location: Selkirk Comprehensive School / 221 Mercy St Selkirk, MB
Time: 11:45 -2:15- Fundamental camp - followed by an exhibition game by current Royals 12 year old team – Pick up 3:30
Deadline for Registration: December 18

will be awarded over the 2 days)
*Cheques payable to team manager Sean Stoesz or e-transfer to rymescon@shaw.ca. All cheques can be dropped off at Selkirk Comprehensive School attention Matt Dueck.
Please register by emailing Sean Stoesz at rymescon@shaw.ca with the following details:
-Name -Age -Gender -Shirt size -Emergency contact #
(A waiver form must be completed at the time of drop off in order to participate.)
This basketball event is hosted by the following individuals:
- Matt Dueck (JV Basketball Coach at Selkirk Comprehensive & Assistant Royal’s Coach)
- Bern Leblanc (Varsity Assistant Basketball Coach at the Selkirk Comprehensive )
- Dean Goodbrandson (Varsity Basketball Coach at the Selkirk Comprehensive )
- Riley Goodbrandson (Royal’s Head Coach)
- Sean Stoesz (Royal’s Manager)