DEADLINE FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT: Former University of Manitoba Women’s Basketball Assistant Coach and Basketball Manitoba Provincial 15U team Head Coach JP Beauchemin and former Westwood Collegiate Varsity Assistant Coach, Manitoba Spartans 17U founder and Head Coach, and PGC Basketball Coach Victoria Zuke have announced their second camp for female basketball players.

The goal of Prairie Elite is to offer training opportunities for female basketball players in the province of Manitoba. By focusing on refining fundamental skills, applying them to game-like situations and participating in a competitive environment, Prairie Elite’s goal is to help athletes take their game to the next level! We also offer unique mental training opportunities to complement on court development.
Who: Female athletes - Grades 7-12
When: April 14 and 15, 2018
Where: Nelson McIntyre Collegiate, 188 St Mary's Rd, Winnipeg
Times: April 14 - 10:00am - 1:00pm
April 15 - 10:00am - 1:00pm
Cost: $80 or $40 per day
Other: Athletes are asked to bring their own basketball and a water bottle
Camp is insured by Basketball Manitoba
Contact: JP Beauchemin
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL - Register by April 7th to receive 1 free game or shot analysis. Info to follow upon registration.