Sport Manitoba has issued a statement on the topic of conducting concussion baseline testing for athletes ages 18 and under.
What is concussion baseline testing? Should my child/athlete be tested? If so, when?
Concussion baseline testing for young athletes is a highly debated topic in sport. The Manitoba Concussion Working Group and provincial experts in sports medicine including Sport Manitoba Sport Medicine Clinic Director Rickie Walkden, pediatrics, physiotherapy, athletic therapy, chiropractic, neuropsychology, and neurosurgery have come together to present their recommendations on this type of testing for Manitoba athletes.
While it's important to understand when this type of testing might be considered, the recommendation states that as a best practice, using any tools or combination of tools is not required to provide post-injury concussion care to youth athletes (18 and under). In general, baseline testing of youth athletes is not recommended for Manitoba youth athletes.
Athletes, parents, coaches, teachers, trainers, officials, organizers, and licensed healthcare professionals can all benefit from these recommendations to help keep our kids safe and engaged in sport.
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