Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities and Respect Group Inc. have partnered with the Coaching Association of Canada (COC) and the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport (CAAWS) to develop the Keeping Girls in Sport 90 minute course for coaches, volunteers, youth activity leaders and teachers. The core of the course will focus on how to create a safe and respectful environment for girls in sport, and ultimately, help girls stay enrolled and engaged in sport and physical activity.
Registration is FREE for the first 500 coaches who register by Monday, November 12th if you use the code: KGISC-J6G7K6V. Once the free licenses have been exhausted, the cost will then be $17.
To access the course, go to http://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/content/microsites/jumpstart/en/keeping-girls-in-sport.html.
We hope you enjoy the course!