Basketball Manitoba is pleased to announce that the Jr. NBA and Steve Nash Youth Basketball programs have combined to create JNYB - Jr. NBA Youth Basketball. JNYB is looking to expand heading into this Spring Season and beyond!. The program comes as part of a new partnership with NBA Canada for ages 5-12, with three different curriculums available. Jr. NBA will focus on the fundamental movement skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, agility, and coordination.
The program will also work to begin and progress on the development of some of the fundamental basketball skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, rebound and playing defence. There are currently over 15 locations running the program around Manitoba and we are looking to grow into new areas of the province. Jillian Kehler, the JNYB Ambassador for Manitoba is able to help get your program up and running!
Basketball Manitoba is seeking the interest of the Manitoba basketball community from groups or individuals that may be interested in hosting a program in their community.
We are putting a priority on non-Winnipeg locations to use this program to boost basketball participation province-wide.
About the Jr. NBA Program:
Fundamentals, Learning, Activity, Success, Respect!
- Age 5-12 | Co-ed | 12 Weeks | 45-75 Min. Sessions
- A national youth basketball program designed to develop fundamental skills, sportsmanship and a love of the game of basketball.
- Empowering basketball communities, clubs, and facilities
- Positively impact youth through the sport of basketball
- A holistic approach to athlete development based off of the Sport Canada LTAD Model
For Players
- Enrollment in the official grassroots youth development program of Canada Basketball
- Proven curriculum aligned with the LTAD Model
- Coaching from NCCP FUNdamentals trained JNYB Coaches
- Player Package including jersey, basketball, drawstring bag, certificate, and poster
- Parents’ Guide for all JNYB parents
- Provincial and national membership and liability insurance
For Coaches
- Coach training through the NCCP FUNdamentals Workshop
- JNYB Game Plan online portal registration and access
- JNYB Curriculum including Coach Manual, Lesson Plans, Drill Bank, and additional resources
- Dri-fit shirt and Fox 40 whistle
- Provincial and national membership and liability insurance
For Hosts
- A comprehensive, adaptable, and proven program aligned with the LTAD Model
- Endorsement from NBA Canada, Canada Basketball, provincial/territorial sport organizations [PTSOs], and Sport Canada
- JNYB Operations Manual and support from JNYB, local Jr. NBA Ambassador and PTSO staff
- Coach training through the NCCP FUNdamentals Workshop
- Player Package including jersey, basketball, drawstring bag, certificate, and poster
- Parents’ Guide for all JNYB parents
- Use of the Jr. NBA name, marks, logos, images, and other marketing materials
- No start-up fee and affordable registration for players and coaches
Those interested in hosting a program in their community are asked to complete and submit the below information. Submissions will be accepted on an on-going basis and the Jr. NBA Ambassador will work with you for a timeline that works best for you and your community.
For Manitoba specific questions on the program, please contact JNYB Ambassador:
Jillian Kehler
jkehler@basketball.ca or
Specific questions on the Manitoba Jr NBA Youth Basketball programs can be made to Jillian Kehler at jillian@basketballmanitoba.ca or at 204-925-5775
Full details on the new program can be found at http://www.jrnba.ca