The Royals Basketball Club of Selkirk, Manitoba have announced they will be hosting a high-performance skills camp during Spring Break 2019. This is a great opportunity for any current Suns, Lancers, Hawks, Eagles, Royals or any other male or female players who have a desire to sharpen their skills. The Camp will be under the direction of Royals Varsity Boys and Winnipeg Wolves 16U Girls Coach Dean Goodbrandson and Selkirk Junior Royals Head Coach Riley Goodbrandson.
- Date: March 25th-29th, 2019
- Junior Camp Grades: Grade 5, 6, 7 (co-ed) - 9:00-11:00am
- Advanced Camp Grades: Grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 (co-ed) - 12:00-3:00 pm
- Advanced Camp will include 1hr Competitive Scrimmage each day.
- Location: Selkirk Comprehensive School, 221 Mercy St, Selkirk, MB
- Deadline for Registration and Payment: March 15th, 2019
- Cost: $125.00

Camp Notes:
- Every child will receive a RoyalsCamp Shirt.
- Cheques payable to Dean Goodbrandson or e-transfer to juniorroyals@shaw.ca
- All cheques can be dropped off at Selkirk Comprehensive School attention Dean Goodbrandson.
- Please register by emailing Sean Stoesz juniorroyals@shaw.ca with the following details:
- Name, Age, Gender, Shirt size, Emergency contact #
- The camp is insured by Basketball Manitoba.