The Furious Fun Basketball Camp, 2019 edition, is ready to “give and go” once again. Coaches Ryan Kope and Greg Jackson‐Davis will offer two levels of camp again this summer, and they look forward to working with boys and girls who already love basketball or are ready to learn to love it. While the game and skills remain the same, we make sure the experience and focus are a little different every year.

Advanced footwork, ball handling, individual scoring skills, as well as team play will build upon the
foundational skills, which will also be continually re‐enforced. This camp is for those entering Grades 6‐9 and/or have more basketball experience.
Dates: August 12‐16, 2019
Place: St. John’s‐Ravenscourt School, Richardson Gym
Cost: SOLD OUT: $190
Ryan Kope – Certified teacher, 1st aid & CPR, Level 1 NCCP, Respect in Sport; currently coaching SJR U14 Girls as well as Fort Garry CC U13 and U10 Boys; previously Head Coach of Providence College Men’s Basketball Team; Head of Senior School Physical Education at SJR; over 20 years of basketball coaching experience.
Greg Jackson‐Davis – Certified teacher, 1st aid & CPR, Level 1 NCCP, Respect in Sport; currently coaching SJR U13 Boys and Fort Garry CC U13 Boys; previously Head Coach of Tirol Basketball Association Schools Program, Austria; Head of Basketball & Junior School Teacher at SJR; over 20 years of basketball coaching experience.
Two Ways to Register:
1. E‐Register by emailing your completed PDF registration form to gjackson‐davis@sjr.mb.ca and
e‐transferring your $190 registration fee to the same address.
2. Register by mail/drop‐off: Furious Fun Basketball Camp, 532 Manchester Blvd. South, R3T 1N8
(in the Fort Garry/Wildwood area). Please make$190 cheque payable to Greg Jackson-Davis.