REMINDER: The 2019 FIBA Rules Exam will be available for all officials to take starting on Wednesday, October 15th at 12pm (EST) and will close on Monday, December 16th at 11:59pm (EST).
- Prospect/NOCP 1 FIBA Exam consists of 30 questions
- NOCP 2, 3, 4 & 5 FIBA Exam consists of 50 questions
- All questions are either “Yes” or “No”
- You have 2 hours to complete the exam
- The exam is open-book
Once the exam is completed, you will be able to view your score immediately following your submission. An exam rewrite will be available on Game Plan if an official does not achieve their required mark on their first attempt.
The exam summary complete with the results, FIBA articles and interpretations will be visible on Game Plan on December 20th.
- Prospect officials will have access to the NOCP 1 FIBA Exam (30 questions)
- NOCP 1 level officials will have access to both the NOCP 1 FIBA Exam (30 questions) and NOCP 2
FIBA Exam (50 questions).
- You will ONLY be able to register for 1 of the 2 available exams. Once you register for one of the exams, you will not be able to access the other exam.
In the framework of the National Official Certification Program (NOCP), the passing marks are:
- NOCP 1 = 21/30 (70%)
- NOCP 2 = 40/50 (80%)
- NOCP 3 = 43/50 (86%)
- NOCP 4 = 43/50 (86%)
- NOCP 5 = 43/50 (86%)
NOCP 2, 3 or 4 officials working towards advancing to the next NOCP level this year will still take their respective exams. If the results are at the standard for the NOCP Level they are working towards, the exam results can be submitted and used.
Officials will only be able to register for the exam which corresponds with their current NOCP level indicated in your profile. If your NOCP level is incorrect, please notify your local board and immediately to have your NOCP changed on Game Plan prior to taking the exam.
If you fail the exam on your first attempt, officials will have the option to complete a second exam
immediately after their first attempt. The rewrite will be available until December 19th.
NOTE: ONLY the 1st exam score will be considered for any officials being nominated for national
Exam support will be available during the exam period from Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm (EST). Please contact Riike Olasina at cboc@basketball.ca.
- Sign in to your Game Plan account at https://gameplanbasketball.ca/?set_member_type=official
- Select the “FIBA EXAM” tab
- Select the “Register” button next to the exam you will be taking
- In the coupon code field, enter: CABO2019
- After entering the code, click “Register with Credit Card” to begin the exam
- Complete the questions by selecting “Yes” “No” or “Skip”
- Once all the questions are answered, select the “Submit Exam” that appears
- Your final mark will show once you’ve submitted your exam.
IMPORTANT: The GamePlan creation step is only for members that don’t yet have an account. If you completed the exam on GamePlan last year, you already have an account and should use their login details to access the exam.
For officials that are not yet on Game Plan, you are responsible for registering for their own account. There is personal information that these people need to complete when registering for an account and hence we ask that they create their own accounts. Once an official creates a profile their account is set to the correct NOCP Level based on the membership lists that each province sends Canada Basketball.
Thank you to everyone for your commitment to the game of basketball in Canada, as well as your dedication to learning the FIBA Rules and official’s development.
Source: http://www.maboref.com