Prairie Elite Basketball Academy has announced its fall camp for female athletes to get ready for the upcoming school basketball season. They also announced the addition of Sarah Lundgren, one of
Manitoba's premier coaches to their Praire Elite's coaching staff.

By working on decision making, refining fundamental skills, applying them to game-like situations and participating in competitive environments, we help athletes take their game to the next level. We offer unique mental training opportunities to complement on-court development during our sessions.
- Location: St. Johnʼs Ravenscourt Reimer gym on Nov. 30, & Richardson gym Dec. 1 (SJR both days)
- Who: Female athletes, ages 11-17
- When: November 30 - 3 - 6 PM; December 1 - 1 pm - 4 PM
- Cost: $80 or $40 per session (one day attendees are welcome!)
- Other: Athletes are asked to bring a basketball; Camp is insured by Basketball Manitoba
- Contact: Victoria Zuke/Sarah Lundgren -
- Register: CLICK HERE