The Sabado Basketball League has announced it will be hosting its New Year's Showdown Basketball Tournament on January 3-5, 2020 for boys and girls club basketball teams. Eligible teams are boys born in 2005, 2006 and 2007 and girls teams born in 2005. Venues hosting the event include Red River College, Mennonite Brethren Collegiate and Canadian Mennonite University (maps below). The registration fee is $300 a team. The deadline to register your team is Saturday, December 14, 2019.
All teams must be registered with Basketball Manitoba (which already includes teams currently in the Peg City, WMBA or PBA leagues). Non-member clubs must register as members with Basketball Manitoba for the year for $250 per team or have the option for this tournament coverage only for an additional $25.00 a team.
To register (or for questions), email your team name, age division and contact information to...
Leo Sadiua