Basketball Manitoba is pleased to announce the details on the 2020 Manitoba Games basketball regional tryouts. The 2020 Manitoba Games will occur August 10-15 in Dauphin, Manitoba with a total of 8 regional teams for males and 8 regional teams for females created this spring at the 16U age level (born in 2004 or later). The rural regions of Manitoba are permitted to carry as many 3 age 17U (born in 2003) players. The regional teams will represent all areas of Manitoba including teams from the East, North, and two teams per gender from the South, the West, and Winnipeg for a total of 8 teams per gender. The tryouts will occur in late March and April at various locations and training will continue through the spring and summer until the Games in August.
- Participants must meet eligibility rules as outlined in the Manitoba Games Eligibility Policy.
- The following athletes are not eligible to compete:
- Current members of the 2020 Manitoba Provincial Team
- Age eligible athletes can try out for both a Provincial Team and Regional team, but cannot play on both teams. The Manitoba Provincial Team will take priority over a Manitoba Games team. Manitoba Provincial Team Tryout Details
About the Manitoba Games - Basketball
- The city of Dauphin will host the 2020 Manitoba Games from August 10-15, 2020 which involve up to 1,800 participants and 1,000 volunteers.
- Sport is the reason for staging the Manitoba Games. The Games are a competitive, developmental opportunity for select sports to advance Provincial Sport Organizations' long term athlete and coach development. The age or stage selected generally complies with the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Train to Train stage of development. Learn more about LTAD at www.canadiansportforlife.ca.
- The Manitoba Games are often an athlete's first multi-sport Games experience. The Games help to identify Manitoba athletes who have the potential to advance to higher levels of competition: Provincial Team, National Competition, and Canada Games. After competing in the Manitoba Games, many athletes move on to become part of Team Manitoba.
- The Manitoba Games are the province's largest ongoing multi-sport program bringing together participants from across the province. The Games are held every two years and alternate between summer and winter sports events.
- Participation in the Manitoba Games begins with regional tryouts. Regional teams of approximately 200 athletes, coaches, managers and mission staff go on to participate in the Manitoba Games.
- We are actively seeking volunteers for this event. To volunteer or for more information click here.
- The Manitoba Games are great athlete introduction to a multi-sport environment. With the sport of basketball being in the 2021 Canada Games at the 17U age level, it is a perfect fit with the Train to Train stage of Long Term Athlete Development. It’s Basketball Manitoba’s goal to use the Manitoba Games as the first step in identifying and developing Manitoba athletes for future inter-provincial events and beyond.
- The provincial registration fee for those who make a regional team is $350.00 per athlete. Coaches and Managers are not required to pay this fee. The fee includes pre-Games training and competition, a regional team walkout uniform, competitive uniform, bus transportation to and from Dauphin (excluding the host region team) as well as transportation within Dauphin, accommodations while at the Games, all meals and snacks served by the Host Society during your stay, sports competition, entertainment and Opening / Closing Ceremonies.
Regional Team Identification and Development
- Basketball Manitoba will coordinate specific open tryouts and training camps for players ages 16U (with a limited number of 17U athletes in the 6 rural regions, see above) in each region in the spring of 2020.
- The camps will be run as open tryouts with the respective regional coaches using them to set a final roster of twelve (12) athletes per team.
- This will result in as many as 8 male teams and 8 female teams in total (96 male athletes, 96 female athletes for a total of 192 athletes) heading into the Games in August.
- Once the twelve-team roster has been set in each region by April 24th, 2020 (excluding Winnipeg), the team will set a number of training weekends through to the Games in August.
- The Basketball competition of the Manitoba Games will take place on the following dates:
- PHASE 1 - MALE - August 10-12, 2020 (travel days Aug 9 & 12)
- PHASE 2 - FEMALE - August 12-15, 2020 (travel days Aug 12 & 15)
Regional Tryout Registration Information
- No preregistration required
- Registration will begin 20 minutes prior to the first tryout.
- All players are to complete the Games Team Tryout Form and bring it to the first tryout. Additional copies will be available on site.
- $25.00 per person tryout fee is due at the first tryout session. Payments made payable to 'Basketball Manitoba'. Cash or cheques will be accepted. Limited change on hand so exact payment is appreciated.
- All registered players will receive a Basketball Manitoba t-shirt
- Receipts will be issued upon request to Basketball Manitoba directly
- Please bring a basketball with you to all tryouts
- Players should arrive 20 minutes early to the tryout sessions dressed ready to play
- Players making the team will be required to pay the set registration fee of $350.00 (may vary by region) for the program.
Regional Boundaries
- Boundaries are defined as where you permanently reside and not where you go to school.
- Please be aware of the new regional boundaries, there are now FIVE regional boundaries throughout the province.
- People living in the Greater Winnipeg area should pay special attention to the defined boundaries of the City of Winnipeg. Those living just outside the City of Winnipeg boundary are to tryout in with the East or South regions. Where you attend school makes no difference to your region.
- For those regions with two teams, athletes are encouraged to try out for the team that is closest to where they live as travel for practices will be required if you make the team.
- Please CLICK HERE for the boundary expectations and a detailed map.
The below tryout details are being updated as information gets set. If your region is still showing a 'TBD' reference, please check back in the coming days. Please also check back just prior to your tryout as details may change!
For more general information the 2020 Manitoba Games, CLICK HERE
General basketball questions on the Manitoba Games can go to Jillian Kehler at Basketball Manitoba